At DataFi, We support businesses on their journey to becoming intelligent organizations with real-time information, ensuring they make the most out of their information. We believe that obtaining information should be simple.

How do we achieve this?

We’ve simplified the process into more manageable parts, beginning with data management. Through our data catalog and data policies, we ensure appropriate data sharing and an understanding of data flow within your organization.

Enhanced Security with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

With attribute-based Access Control (ABAC), we ensure that only authorized individuals can access your information, providing you with peace of mind about the security of your data. Security is important in data governance. ABAC not only secures data but also provides organizations with the confidence that their information is protected against unauthorized access.

Visualization and Accessibility Tools

Once data is securely accessed, the next step is visualization. DataFi introduces ‘Datacard’, a tool designed to help users create informative cards that display data effectively. These cards can be accessed from anywhere through ‘Datachat’ or via an informational dashboard, making data not just accessible but also easy to interpret.

Democratizing Data: No Expertise Required

At DataFi, we are committed to making business intelligence understandable and accessible to all users, irrespective of their technical skills. By backing data democratization, we provide tools and services that require minimal technical knowledge. Our goal is to empower everyone to analyze and use data effectively without the intimidation of complex technicalities or coding.

DataFi is not just about providing tools; it’s about creating a culture where data drives growth. By simplifying data access, enhancing security, and promoting an understanding of business intelligence, DataFi supports businesses in their quest to become more data-driven. Embrace the future of business intelligence with DataFi, where data becomes a key player in your strategic decision-making.